New Kits On The Block

By edy507 on 6:26 PM

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Finally my flash unit, Nikon Speedlight SB-600, has arrived. I bought it from my friend, SirZaLee, as he want to buy a new flash unit. Before I buy it from him, I assure him that he is not going to use the flash until his new flash arrived. As we come to an agreement, that he's not going to use the flash unit until his new one arrived, so he's willing to let it go.

Before doing the agreement with SirZaLee, I did text my other friend, Hiero, that we gona hang out and I want to treat him, since he help me looking for my first dSLR camera, for lunch on Saturday (today).

As Saturday (today) came, SirZaLee bring along his SB-600, now belong to me *sigh*, as he came to school. Before lunch hour, Hiero rang me, to inform that his going to be running alittle bit late. Since my lacture finish early, so I just talking with my frineds at our hang out place at school to kill some times.

As the time shows half pass 12, I just went straight away to the Mall, where there is an Electronics Expo that being held at the Mall's lobby. Before taking pictures on the expo, I went to the Mall's food court and having some bits of sandwich while waiting for Hiero. As soon as he came, I have my second meal during the lunch *LOL*.

While having our lunch, I asked him to teach me how to use the flash. After finishing our lunch, we decide to take some photos of the Expo. Below are some of the picture that was taken by me during the expo, and my using my first Nikon SB-600.

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