Trying to Do HDR

By edy507 on 6:09 PM

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I would like to thank to my BFF friends member, HaniSham and Isaac, for giving me the Photomatix software last Saturday. A few days later I try to do an HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging, unfortunately it was a disaster. I was told by Isaac that the best way to do an HDR was by using the AEB (Auto-Exposure Bracketing). As I try to figure out how does AEB can be done on my camera through the manual and surfing, I was abit disappointed that it doesn't have AEB. But I still can do an HDR imaging, where I have to do it manually, by changing the exposure range. Below are the image that I process, but I still not satisfy with the output. Where I take 5 same pictures but different exposure.

Mode: Aperutre-Priority
ISO: 800
Aperture: F9
Exposure: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
White Balance: Auto
Focal Length: 18mm
Other item: Tripod

1 comments for this post

Salam bro...lawa eh gambar HDR u a...aku suka tp nda berapa pandai cara apa u used and dimana buleh ku belurih...lawa sangat2...

Posted on January 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM